Apple Park
Talk, Workshop

 ︎ Cupertino, California
 ︎ for Apple Design Studio at Apple Park

To celebrate the release of Meme Design School’s risograph zine collection, I was invited to give a talk and hold a workshop at Handsaw Press in Tokyo. Fine artists, designers, and locals from the district came to participate in making a calendar as a group to experience and understand the wonders of riso printing.

Handsaw Press
Talk, Workshop

 ︎ Tokyo, Japan
 ︎ with Meme Design School & Handsaw Press

To celebrate the release of Meme Design School’s risograph zine collection, I was invited to give a talk and hold a workshop at Handsaw Press in Tokyo. Fine artists, designers, and locals from the district came to participate in making a calendar as a group to experience and understand the wonders of riso printing.


︎ Tokyo, Japan
︎ with Tetsu and SODA

SODA is an organization for design education in Tokyo. I was invited as one of two guest speakers for a live-streamed event.

Xue Xue Institute (with O.OO)

︎ Taipei, Taiwan
︎ with O.OO

Xue Xue Institute is a school for experimental creative education in Taipei, Taiwan. As a member of O.OO, we held workshops and taught risograph printing, colour separation, and pre-press to students in different creative fields.

©Vivian Wang


©Vivian W.


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